suddenly UP!

art, books, women...things to get excited about!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


so i am a lazy blogger who has let two weeks go by since south dakota took a big pointy crooked coat hanger to women's rights. sorry. the SD senate has banned abortion. all abortion. ALL ABORTION. even if your daddy raped you. really, my cooking up some vitriolic blasting curse about how violently criminal this decision is is a waste of time. i am spending that time writing myself post-it note reminders never to go to SD. Republican (obviously) representative Roger Hunt sponsored the bill, and i think Dan Savage should popularize the verb rogerhunting, the sport of ruining the lives of girls and women. and children. MacLean's reports that at least half of actual SD citizens disagree with the ban. Planned Parenthood in SD is going to challenge it. Hopefully Trojan and Allese will do their charity work for the year and air-drop ten zillion packages of their products onto the football fields of SD schools and colleges and every other open space, for that matter. The most humane way to reduce abortions being, of course, preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

Abortions are down in NB, by the way, but that's because they shut down services at the Moncton hospital, not because sex is getting more foolproof.


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